Population and Development Studies :  en · es · fr · zh

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Population and Development Studies

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Demography and Population Studies Demography and Population Studies
Note: non-compliant site (see http://vlib.org/admin/requirements).
this resource in English is indexed under: Asuntos Internacionales, Ciencias Sociales y del Comportamiento, Population and Development Studies.
Epidemiology Epidemiology
This page is maintained by the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California San Francisco.
this resource in English is indexed under: Medicina y Salud, Population and Development Studies.
Information Design Information Design
Information Design is the practice of collating, packaging and displaying information in such a way as to communicate and meet the needs of the user, for intended purposes. It uses effective design principles, for offline and/or online presentation, in order to understand the essence and meaning of the professed information. Information design practices takes graphic design principles and applies and integrates it with text.
this resource in English is indexed under: Información y Bibliotecas, Population and Development Studies.
Irrigation and Hydrology Irrigation and Hydrology
The original Virtual Library of Irrigation and Hydrology was first established in 1995 as part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library System, providing dedicated and structured information related to the wider area of irrigation and hydrology over many years. In late 2003, it was revived and restructured now with the major objective to provide quality-controlled full-text publications and information online.
this resource in English is indexed under: Agricultura, Population and Development Studies, Water.
Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
The basic objectives of the NGO Café: The WWW Virtual Library on Non-Governmental Organizations are to assist NGOs in enhancing and improving their programmes and activities; to effect a better understanding of NGOs in general; and to enable NGOs to network at local, regional and international levels.
this resource in English is indexed under: Asuntos Internacionales, Population and Development Studies.
Public Health Public Health
This Library was originally created by the late Eberhard Wenzel with Lucien Schlosser in 1997, as one part of the wider WWW Virtual Library established to form an accessible portal to the ever-increasing world-wide web. The purpose of the Virtual Public Health Library was, and still is, to bring together public health sites and resources in a systematic and easily accessible way for all those wishing to be in touch with the most relevant and meaningful public health resources.
this resource in English is indexed under: Medicina y Salud, Population and Development Studies.
Public Health in Asia Public Health in Asia
Links to online resources dealing with public health in Asia.
this resource in English is indexed under: Asiáticos, Medicina y Salud, Population and Development Studies.
Sustainable Development Sustainable Development
This page is maintained by the Center for Economic and Social Studies on the Environment, located at Université Libre de Bruxelles.
this resource in English is indexed under: Asuntos Internacionales, Population and Development Studies, Water.

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