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Biblioteca Virtual WWW

Búsqueda rápida:

Buddhist Studies Buddhist Studies
This site keeps track of leading information facilities in the fields of Buddhism and Buddhist studies.
this resource in English is indexed under: Religiones, Sociedad.
Diamond and Fine Jewelry Virtual Library Diamond and Fine Jewelry Virtual Library
Gemstones and fine jewelry made of precious metals set with diamonds and/or gems. Includes aspects of the diamond and gem trade from education to fashion trends.
this resource in English is indexed under: Ciencias de la Tierra, Sociedad.
Fashion Fashion
Designers - Brands - Underwear - Fashion Accessories - Fashion Weeks - Magazines - Beauty Tips - Fashion TV Shows
this resource in English is indexed under: Bellas Artes, Diversión, Sociedad.
Taoism Taoism
Taoism Information Page - English-language scholarly and philosophical information
this resource in English is indexed under: Religiones, Sociedad.
Women's History Women's History
The main purposes of this virtual library are to list women's history institutions and organizations, locate archival and library collections, and provide links to Internet resources on women's history. In addition, also included are a list of women's studies journals and a few comprehensive link collections useful as a starting point for searching the Internet for women's studies in general.
this resource in English is indexed under: Historia, Sociedad.
Women's Studies Women's Studies
The purpose of Women and Gender Studies Web Sites ( WSSLINKS), the Women's Studies section of the WWW Virtual Library, is to provide access to a wide range of resources in support of Women's Studies.
this resource in English is indexed under: Sociedad.

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