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Advanced browsing Advanced browsing
Resources whose primary purpose is to improve selection and readability of information.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Information et bibliothèques, Informatique.
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (archived 2000)
This document contains some pointers to information on Artificial Intelligence (AI) available around the world on the World Wide Web.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique.
Computer Aided Design (CAD) Computer Aided Design (CAD)
This section of Virtual Library is devoted to CAD education. This section contains links to important CAD resources associated with the CAD industry.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique, Ingénierie.
DRM Digital Rights Management
Digital Rights Management (DRM) describes a range of technologies which allow control of distribution and access to digital information, typically - but not restricted to - mass-media content (e.g. books, music, movies), software or data files (e.g. documents, spreadsheets, databases).
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Commerce et sciences économiques, Communication et média, Droit, Informatique, Ingénierie.
Formal Methods Formal Methods (archive 1997)
This document contains some pointers to information on Formal Methods, useful for mathematically describing and reasoning about computer-based systems, available around the world on the World Wide Web. Formal methods are a fault avoidance technique that help in the reduction of errors introduced into a system, particularly at the earlier stages of design. They complement fault removal techniques like testing.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique.
Handheld Computing Handheld Computing
Core topics: applications, hardware, networks, operating systems, software engineering and UI/HCI.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique.
Logic Programming Logic Programming (archive 2000)
This document contains some pointers to information on Logic Programming available around the world on the World Wide Web.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique.
PSIs Published Subject Indicators
PSIs are a “URI-based method of identifying subjects of discourse … of particular interest to publishers and users of ontologies, taxonomies, classifications, thesauri, registries, catalogues, and directories, and for applications that capture, collate or aggregate information and knowledge”.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Information et bibliothèques, Informatique.
Safety-Critical Systems Safety-Critical Systems (archive 1997)
This document contains pointers to information on Safety-Critical Systems, where human lives may be at risk, especially involving software and computers, available around the world on the World Wide Web.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique, Ingénierie.
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Small Computer System Interface (SCSI)
Information on SCSI bus interface, standards, manufacturers and distributors, technical information, books and test equipment, from the SCSI Technical Library of Information.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique.
Virtual Museum of Computing Virtual Museum of Computing
This virtual museum includes an eclectic collection of World Wide Web hyperlinks connected with the history of computing and on-line computer-based exhibits available both locally and around the world. This museum opened on 1st June 1995.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique, Musées.
Web Design Web Design
Web design originally referred to the graphical side of web development using images, CSS and one of the HTML standards. The term now encompasses all areas of developing a web site including backend programming and web server configuration, as well as graphical design.
ceci en anglais est classé dans: Informatique.

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